Black Magic Healer

Samuel Zohar Yanai Black Magic Healer And Removal Expert
Over 25 years experience

Samuel Zohar Yanai, a black magic healing expert presents: Spiritual & soul healing rituals for everyone. The consultancy is conducted via WhatsApp Zoom meetings and are suitable for every person regardless of religion or nationality. Watch the video for information. 

Samuel Zohar Yanai Black Magic Healer And Removal Expert

Over 25 years' experience

What Is Black Magic Healing?

Black magic healing involves the use of spiritual rituals and ceremonies to eliminate negative energies and harmful spells.

Expert Kabbalah spiritual healer Samuel Zohar Yanai combines ancient techniques and mystical knowledge to cleanse individuals of black magic influences, restore balance, and promote overall well-being.

Customer Success Stories

The Black Magic Healing & Removal Process

Discover captivating interviews and fascinating stories from our past clients. Listen to their unique experiences and the challenges they faced due to black magic. Learn about the effective black magic removal process they went through, guided by expert Samuel Zohar Yanai.

See how the removing black magic process transformed their lives, bringing back harmony, peace, and well-being.

These stories show the power and success of the spiritual rituals used in black magic healing and removal.

Black Magic Removal

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Black magic removal – Sabina Raphael’s hair-raising story describing how Samuel Zohar Yanai transformed her life through a black magic removal process. Thanks to Samuel, Sabina overcame depression and progressed towards a life of abundance on the marital, personal, and professional level.

Spells Removal

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Spells removal – Abai Goban was involved in a severe car accident and lost his hand. Through a comprehensive spells removal process, he managed to stop the mask of negativity that befell him thanks to Samuel Zohar Yanai.

Voodoo Removal From the Media

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Voodoo Removal – Alon David was delivered from a calamity thanks to Samuel Zohar Yanai’s Voodoo Removal method. This spell hurt his family, his business. and caused economic crises and bankruptcy.

Black Magic & Spiritual Soul Healing Ethics

Samuel Zohar Yanai does not cast spells, perform mystical rituals, or perform other activities that could harm anyone. He does not partake in any mystical processes that could lead to adverse outcomes for others.

The spell removal ritual is performed at night and does not require your physical presence. 


Black magic healing is a powerful practice that uses ancient spiritual rituals to cleanse individuals of negative energies and harmful spells. It aims to restore balance and harmony, helping people overcome the evil forces that disrupt their lives

Samuel Zohar Yanai is a renowned black magic healer known for his profound knowledge and expertise in the realm of spiritual healing. With years of experience, he has helped countless individuals break free from the grip of black magic and reclaim their well-being. 

Common symptoms of black magic include sudden unexplained illnesses, persistent misfortune, strained relationships, financial troubles, and an overwhelming sense of negativity. If you experience these, it might be time to seek a black magic healer. 

Healing from black magic involves a series of spiritual rituals and ceremonies specifically designed to remove negative energies and restore balance. These rituals are performed by an expert healer who tailors the process to your unique situation. 

Absolutely. Black magic removal can be effectively conducted remotely via WhatsApp and Zoom consultations. This allows individuals from all corners of the globe to access these healing services without needing physical presence. Thee spell removal ritual is performed at night and does not require your physical presence. Samuel’s expertise ensures a personalized and suitable approach of one’s religion, culture, faith, race or nationality.

Black magic healing is highly effective when performed by an experienced healer like Samuel Zohar Yanai. He can cleanse individuals of black magic influences using ancient techniques and mystical knowledge and restore their natural harmony. 

Yes, the rituals used in black magic removal are safe and are conducted with the utmost care to ensure the protection and healing of the individual. These practices are designed to cleanse and shield you from further harm. 

The duration of healing from black magic can vary depending on the individual’s situation and the severity of the black magic. Some may experience immediate relief, while others might require multiple sessions to fully cleanse and restore balance. 

Indeed, black magic healing suits everyone, regardless of religion, nationality, or background. The universal nature of these spiritual rituals makes them accessible and beneficial to all who seek healing. 

Black magic healing can bring numerous benefits, including improved health, restored relationships, financial stability, and a renewed sense of peace and well-being. It helps individuals break free from negative influences and regain control of their lives. 

You can easily contact Samuel Zohar Yanai for a consultation through WhatsApp or Zoom. These platforms allow for seamless communication and remote healing sessions, making his services accessible no matter where you are. 

Samuel Zohar Yanai stands out due to his extensive experience and deep understanding of black magic healing. His personalized approach, combined with his proven track record of success, makes him a trusted and highly sought-after healer. 

If you suspect black magic is affecting you, it’s crucial to seek help from a qualified black magic healer like Samuel Zohar Yanai. Prompt action can prevent further harm and initiate the process of cleansing and healing

Yes, black magic can manifest as unexplained health issues, including chronic illnesses and sudden ailments. Healing from black magic can alleviate these symptoms and restore your physical well-being. 

Preparing for a black magic removal session is simple. Be open and ready to share your experiences with the healer. This openness allows the healer to assess your situation and perform the necessary rituals effectively accurately. 

Many individuals who undergo black magic healing experience significant improvements in various aspects of their lives. The transformative effects of black magic removal can be profound, from better health and relationships to financial stability and inner peace. 

Black magic Healing & energetic defenses

Black Magic Healer Samuel Zohar Yanai

Removing black magic and energetic Defense require expertise and extensive knowledge in the worlds of mysticism, spirit, and magic.

It should be clarified that Samuel does not cast black magic and spells and does not offer any service aimed at harming another person.

Samuel Zahar Yanai, is a black magic healer and removal expert, coming from a long line of Kabbalists. At every step, a comprehensive solution for physical, mental, and spiritual issues sensitivity and attention to your needs and personal guidance are guaranteed.

The Black magic healing ,removal and counseling process are discreet and adapted to people of all religions and beliefs and in accordance with the circumstances of their unique case.
The night before the meeting, I do a thorough check using my great-grandfather’s kabbalah book and examine your spiritual state.

I believe there is no use to perform black magic removal and healing processes without taking care of the body as well. Therefore, I also offer comprehensive counseling for the body, mind and spirit resulting in a beneficial holistic procedure.

schedule a zoom meetihg
orientation consulting and process adjustment
remove spells, black magic removal, curses, Voodoo, and evil eye, counseling to strengthen the body, mind, and spirit systems. kabbalistic energy healing is performed at night, in seclusion, which requires a lot of concentration and communion with the spirt world, without the presence of the patient.
process completion - final removing of energetic blockages, energy defenses and reopening the energy channels.


Success stories over the years

Skepticism and distrust are key characteristics of the age in which we live. This should not surprise us, considering that many of us consumed our energies and spent money on false attempts.

I invite you to read real stories here and learn about the successes of my clients.

Viktoriya Romanuk

Viktoriya Romanuk


Всем привет. Меня зовут Виктория, я познакомилась с Самуэлем пять лет назад, ‎когда у меня были тяжелые времена. Тогда у меня не было гражданства, я работала в ‎парикмахерской за минимальную зарплату, хватало только на квартиру и на учёбу. ‎

Начала встречаться с парнем, у меня появилась надежда на семью. Были вместе 8 ‎месяцев, потом поняла что он не хочет семью и мы расстались.

Мне было очень ‎больно и я не знала, что делать. Я много старалась, приближаясь к моим 40 годам, ‎но ничего не выходило – ни семьи, ни перспектив.‎‏ ‏

Как-то моя близкая подруга, у которой были большие проблемы с деньгами и ‎долгами на чёрном рынке, рассказала мне что была на приеме у Самуэля, я ‎послушала и прошла мимо.

Но после визита к нему, прямо на моих глазах ей стали ‎оставлять большие чаевые вплоть до 1000 шекелей. Как у нас девочек водится, ‎сарафанное радио привело к нему мою другую подругу. Из ее рассказа поняла, что ‎он помог её дочери избавиться от эпилепсии и я решила использовать шанс.‎‏ ‏

В начале было тяжело поверить в чудо. Все это время я продолжала двигаться ‎вперёд и делала все что я могла, я много обучалась, ходила на тренировки и ‎надеялась, что все будет хорошо. В это время мы с партнером геем пытались зачать ‎ребёнка.

На тот момент у меня были подписаны все договора с кандидатом-отцом ‎будущего ребенка, но после долгих попыток на гормонах и эко забеременеть не ‎удавалось. А когда удалось, тело сбросило ребенка. Ухватившись за последнюю ‎соломинку.‎
я решилась…‎‏ ‏

Самуэль без компромиссов остановил меня, сказав что у меня будет настоящая ‎семья – муж и дети и я поверила. Так как у меня не было сразу нужной суммы, ‎разбила на платежи.‎

Пришла Корона, многие бизнесы закрывались, я же стала работать дома без ‎остановки – зарплата увеличилась в 4-5 раз и отсекла всех людей из прошлой ‎жизни. Я разрушила свой старый мир и построила новое светлое будущее.

На ‎сегодняшний момент у меня любимый муж, гражданство и МАЛЫШ, которого я ‎вымолила у Вселенной. Добрым посредником стал Самуэль.

Если у вас есть ‎проблемы, и вы не знаете как их решить, что с этим делать – здоровье, работа, ‎отношения или другие жизненные ситуации, смело обращайтесь к Самуэлю. ‎Используйте любую возможность улучшить свою жизнь.

Тот кто не использует ‎возможности, тот сам становится препятствием на пути к своему успеху и ‎добровольно отказывается быть автором своей судьбы.‎‏ ‏

Я очень рекомендую Самуэля, он начнет с самого начала вашей жизни, отсечет все ‎лишнее, вы сконцентрируетесь на главном, вам станет легче дышать. Пройдет время ‎и все станет получаться, все наладится, надо верить и работать над собой. Каждый ‎из нас проходит свой путь и иногда он совсем не легкий.‎

Самуэль поможет, есть на земле Ангелы😇 и они рядом с нами, верьте. И по вере ‎воздаться!‎

Viktoriya Romanuk 1

Limor Isman

Limor Isman

business woman

I found Samuel Zohar Yanai through a YouTube video a bit less than a year ago. My story started after moving to a new house in 2015. One night I happened to wake up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water.

While standing in front of my kitchen sink, I witnessed two of my neighbors inside my backyard. At the time I didn’t realize what they were doing.

But shortly after this incident I started having some really weird stuff taking place in my house as well as in my life in general.

My business that was successful and running strong for 20 years collapsed. My family, who’s always been loving and supporting, suddenly all turned against me at the same time.

My friends that I’ve had my entire life all simultaneously abandoned me and disappeared out of my life. It felt like I was walking under a dark cloud every moment of every day. Even my dogs started getting sick and eventually died.

Within a few months of that incident involving my neighbors. Things in my house started happening that had never happened before.

For example, I could put something down like my keys or my purse in the same place I’ve always put them down when entering my house and within an hour or so they would just vanish.

I could turn the whole house upside down looking for them. Eventually, sometimes within hours, sometimes the next day the items would appear exactly where I left them originally.

Several times after returning home I would find my dogs locked up in the bathroom even though there was no way for them to get into the house while I was gone.

These are just 2 examples out of dozens of different incidents that would literally fill up a book if I described them all.

As time went on, things got stranger and stranger. I could think of justify what was going on.

I started thinking that I was losing my mind. The only thing that made me think that I wasn’t going crazy was that my son was with me on several occasions and saw or heard the same things I did.

Eventually it got so bad that I started having experiences where I would be setting on the couch to watch TV or read a book in the evening and all of the sudden I would look up and see shadows on the wall in front of me as though there was somebody in the room with me walking around behind me. But when I would turn around there would be no one there.

There were many occasions that I would hear my son calling for me from his bedroom and I would come in to see what he needed, and he would tell me that he didn’t call me. At first, I thought he was playing around with me or trying to freak me out or something.

But after a while he started having the same experience where he would come into my room or into the kitchen where I was and would be stunned when I would tell him I didn’t call him.

Another oddity was when the appliances in my house and even my electrical system in the house started to emit a loud high-pitched noise like frequency or whistling coming out of my walls.

My appliances would suddenly start working like they were on overtime. I could hear my refrigerator from the other room at night sounding like the motor was about to explode or like a tractor was running in my kitchen.

My appliances or other devices would overheat from 10 or 15 minutes of use.

When this would happen, my dogs would jump on top of me and cower like they have seen a ghost. After a while they refused to go out in the yard without me and leaving them home alone became very difficult.

Eventually I ran into some videos on YouTube from a couple of rabbis that were talking about demons and demonic possessions. At some point it dawned on me that what I was experiencing was exactly what these rabbis were discussing in these videos.

I started to think back about when this stuff all started, where it originated from, and I came to the conclusion that all of this started shortly after the night my neighbors were in my backyard.

That night one of the neighbors was digging a hole and burying something in my backyard while the other neighbor was dressed in a white robe with a very strange white head covering.

After hearing the rabbis explain that demons and spirits do exist and thinking back to that night I knew that what I witnessed was the neighbors doing a satanic or witchcraft ritual.

Whatever the intent of their ritual was, it was clearly evil, and it resulted in these demonic forces that intended to ruin my life.

It took almost 5 years from the day of the day I originally witnessed the satanic ritual till I figured out what was going on.

I contacted my local Chabad temple and spoke to the rabbi who suggested that I seek a kabbalist to help me.

I took that advice and with the rabbis help i started looking for someone familiar with Kabbalah who could help remove this dark cloud from over me and out of my life. This is how I finally connected with Samuel.

It’s been about 9 months since I originally contacted Samuel, and I would say that 95% or so of the darkness that persisted over my life has vanished. The things that were taking place stopped.

There’s still a little bit of work to be done, but for the most part my life’s taken a dramatic change for the better. My health is improved.

To anyone reading this, I would say if you have things going on in your life that you cannot explain, that are plaguing you persistently, that feel like they are dark and evil, you should seriously consider consulting with Samuel.

In my case all I gave him was my name, date of birth and my mother’s name and within a day he was able to contact me back and give me an exact description of what I was experiencing. I never told him what I was going through.

I simply gave him the information he needed and he contacted me back with a complete and totally accurate breakdown of what was going on.

The fact that he was able to decipher what was spiritually around me and given me a very accurate description of my situation gave me confidence that he would be able to help me.

Another factor that was also important to me was that in his video interview that I originally saw on YouTube, he said that when he does his work the very first thing, he does is turn off all of the electricity to the house.

After experiencing the weird electrical anomalies that were going on in my house, I knew that knew what he was talking about.

These spirits are energy beings, and they draw on the electric energy that flows through our wiring and our devices.

In conclusion, I would say to anyone going through this type of situation, you’re not crazy and you’re not imagining things. The spiritual world is all around us whether you see it or not.

If somebody would have told me the things that happened to me are possible, I would have thought they’re crazy.

But now that I’ve experienced it in my own life, there’s no doubt in my mind that this kind of stuff does indeed exist. There’s help there and you don’t have to live this way.

Elkayam Bat Sheva - Samuel Zohar Yanai

Elkayam Bat Sheva

Directorate Maadaney Yehiam

To Samuel Zohar Yanai. Dear spiritual Hiller, in order to withstand the demands of this role, a very special person is required, a kind of a “prophet in his homeland”.

Possessing insights and comprehension, with the aim of being on the lookout, and calm enough so as to maintain his own sanity. Possessor of soulfulness, “a gift from above”, who pays attention to all pains and mishaps .

Someone who looks into your eyes and perceives, erases and removes every curse .

Immediately imagines those who will get scratched, the ones who will be defeated and those who will stumble. He will initiate assistance before we collapse because otherwise we will drown in the depths of eternity.

And particularly , once and again , to overcome dishonesty and problems of concentration and acceptance since it isn’t possible otherwise .

Since the words “verity” and “readiness” possess significance, to be open to what’s different, to others…enough said .And of course, pray for the health and wholeness of all our soul mates .

Do not let in the evil spirits and the like…Let logic always function but without renouncing emotion.

Give hope for a future abundant with pleasant light, devoid of anxieties, fears and anger. For a sound and serene flow through the course of life, to reduce the talks and increase the deeds.

Sabina Rafael - Samuel Zohar Yanai

Sabina Rafael

An International Makeup Artist for Films and Television

In 2011, I suggested from Samuel the Spiritual healer friendship on Facebook, for about a year I wanted to ask Shmuel help, but my financial situation was Wo worse. Eventually could not take it anymore, so I took some courage and I turned to him for advice.

My first conversation with Shmuel was when my mother was in hospital. She was very ill , mental and economic conditions were very bad .Shmuel asked me over the phone lots of questions .

I told him that in my mother’s house did spells .It was not difficult to identify on the house’s door the pig grease stains and other signs such as needles and fabrics at the entrance door of the house , which has no logical explanation for how they had been there .

My mother always claimed she thought the neighbor did Spells to all kinds of people and suspected her .As one who believes that all those things couldn’t exist I ignored her believes .My mother used to go to all sorts of ” Kabbalists” and paid a lot of money .

The result was a complete failure .Shmuel told me he was going to do to my mother and I a spell that remove the curse from us .

He also told me to do some things , plus Shmuel told me that the person who spells my mother would be hurt , because when you remove spells all negative energies automatically go back to the person who did the spells .

Once Shmuel remove the spells suddenly in about two weeks my mother was released from the hospital .

The neighbor who did the spell got Cardiac Arrest . I was shocked. I came back to life, and I became professional makeup instructor male and female model. In the same breath I met an amazing guy and we have been together for about 7 years.

Black Magic Removal - spiritual healer Samuel Zohar YanaiShmuel is a good man and kindness. Lots of thank for who you are and that you have been there for me.

Wishing you all the strength to continue doing what you’re best at. It is no coincidence that God brought us together and put you in my life.

I believe that nothing just happens and I have no doubt that you are a messenger.

Sharona Tapouhi Shaio

Sharona Tapouhi Shaio

fitness trainer

My name is Sharona Tapouhi Shaio , I am divorced with 4 children. I have known Samuel Zohar Yanai for the past year when I was in a desperate situation after I had gone through several difficult years in which I lost both my parents, divorced and there were several other events however this is not the place to reveal them to everyone.

Samuel was wonderful, patient and understanding, he advised me and encouraged me…. I remember one sentence very well “You are switched off and you must make a change in your life otherwise you will fall into the abyss”.”.

Atat time I had reached my heaviest weight and I looked like a grandmother. The first step that he advised me to do was to register at a gym and start the change process….and this is the point that the great change began. II started to work out in the gym. .

Following my success at the gym I became a captain and today I support groups of girls in an advisory, complimentary and supportive process…. It is important to note that I am very satisfied with Samuel’s help, he decided on vitamins for me and changes them from time to time.

Black Magic Removal Expert - spiritual healer Samuel Zohar YanaiDuring the entire process Samuel had his finger on the pulse and meticulously checked my condition, any change that I undergo including ups or downs, I did not have to update him and he simply felt it and would suddenly pick up the phone and ask me if everything was OK.

He simply felt me. Today I am that same woman less 15 kilos and with much more self-confidence, and I am still in the process. Samuel Zohar Yanai is an angel in human form.

Elad Gil Semech - Samuel Zohar Yanai

Elad Gil Semech

Businessman and emotional therapist

I first addressed Samuel Zohar Yanai in 2023, after I started to experience a great deal of tension and emotional distress at the beginning of 2023. Such experience were not typical of me.

I was positive it was all part of the day-to-day hustle of the modern world that afflicts me, running from one sale to another, handling the pressure of running a business.

However, things kept taking a turn for the worse. After a while, I started to wake up In the middle of the night feeling suffocated. My mental clarity dissipated, and my thought become vague and inexplicable.

After a thorough examination by some practitioners, I have been told that someone had cast a spell upon me. At first, I didn’t believe it. I kept telling myself there is no such thing as spells, and I kept trying to treat the problem with various standard methods of conventional medicine.
I kept on living my life, but life was just not the same anymore.

This bad energy seeped into my life dug deep. I couldn’t think clearly, strange thoughts and bad dreams haunted me, I would wake up night after night suffocated.

Naturally, after a while my financial situation deteriorated, my relationship started to fall apart, and I experienced all aspects of my life are taking a turn for the worse.

I eas in a very bad place. I usually never smokes, cigarettes or anything else. I keep myself in shape, I eat healthy and usually sound in mind and spirit. I didn’t understand what the hell was happening to me.

Eventually, I decided to give spell removal a try. I wondered, maybe there really is such a thing as a spell.

I did an in-depth examination looking for a professional spell removal expert, and finally realized that there is actually only one truly professional expert in the field, and his name is Samuel Zohar Yanai.

At first I was a little skeptical, but I was determined to get rid of the bad energy that had entered my life.

I did everything Samuel have told me to do, and after about two months I began to feel a significant relief and the negative energy began to disappear from my life, I owe Samuel my deepest thanks.

He allowed me to return to my old self and restore my life. Today, I am sleeping like a baby again and I came to my senses. I have to tell you Samuel – you are the best there is! Whenever anyone requires such a service, I will always recommend you.

Times – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Times - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Spiritual Healer

Newswire -Samuel Zohar Yanai

Newswire -Samuel Zohar Yanai- spiritual medium

American – Samuel Zohar Yanai

American - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Black Magic Removal specialist

News Watch – Samuel Zohar Yanai

News Watch - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Love spell removal

The Global – Samuel Zohar Yanai

The Global - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Black Magic Removal Expert

Benzinga – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Benzinga - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Black Magic Healer

Zone! Uk – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Zone! Uk - Samuel Zohar Yanai - black magic healing

Newswires – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Newswires - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Unbinding spell

Fox 40 – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Fox 40 - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Witchcraft Removal

News Watch – Samuel Zohar Yanai

News Watch - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Removing spells

Benzinga – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Benzinga - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Remove curses

United Kingdom Newswire – Samuel Zohar Yanai

United Kingdom Newswire - Samuel Zohar Yanai - Voodoo Healer

US National Times – Samuel Zohar Yanai

US National Times - Samuel Zohar Yanai
June 2, 2022

Global – Samuel Zohar Yanai

Global Samuel Zohar Yanai

The world news wire – Samuel Zohar Yanai

The world news wire - Samuel Zohar Yanai

Global Reporter Journal

global reporter journal

Israeli Medium Shmuel Zohar Yanai Now Removing Negative Energy Throughout the World

September 9, 2023

Israel Daily Voice

israel daily voice

Israeli Spiritual Medium Shmuel Zohar Yanai Now Removing Negative Energy Throughout the World

October 7, 2022
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