Samuel Zohar Yanai Black Magic Healer And Removal Expert
Over 25 years experience


spiritual healer

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Biography Shmuel Zohar Yanai

Samuel Zohar Yanai was only 28 years old when he was introduced to the world of spells for the first time, after a black magic spell was cast on him. This was revealed to him by a great Kabbalist in Jerusalem.

First, Samuel turned to conventional doctors who tried to treat his body and then to healers, therapists, spiritual mediums, various Kabbalists and Muslim mystics who tried to heal his soul. Many attempts went through him, but all of them failed.

Samuel remained as he was, with his physical and mental condition remaining unchanged.

At the beginning of the journey, Samuel did not understand what those Kabbalists meant when they told him that black magic had been cast upon him.

He certainly understood that there were people who coveted his money and envied him. At that time, Samuel was at the end of a 5-year long struggle with the Tel Aviv Municipality and the Ayalon Roads Company over his parents’ home, which was expropriated for the purposes of the Ayalon Road project.

Samuel won in court in the amount of about a million dollars in 1996, after a stubborn fight against the battery of the biggest lawyers in Israel and won an unprecedented victory.

In this war, he lost his physical and mental health and strength and ended found that he was exhausted and powerless.

All along, no one believed that he would win, let alone for such a high amount, against such powerful authorities and without any previous knowledge or experience in the field of real estate. Although, during the struggle Samuel gathered all the knowledge necessary to acquire proficiency in the subject.

Ancient roots in the world of Kabbalah and mysticism

Although Samuel did not believe in spells at that time, without him being aware of it, the history of his life prepared him from the first moment for this moment.

Biography Shmuel Zohar Yanai

Samuel was exposed to the world of Kabbalah and mysticism from a young age. He acquired an in-depth knowledge of the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah and behind him were 16 years of study with his teacher and spiritual companion – Yom Tov Sharabi, who was the son of a great Kabbalist in Yemen and the father of his good friend Aharon, but he never had any practical experience in the world of mysticism.

Biography Shmuel Zohar Yanai

Throughout his childhood, there was not a day when a new book did not enter his home, as his parents were engaged in the craft of printing and binding books.

His father was the owner of one of the first printing houses in the State of Israel and his mother worked for him. There, they met and got married.

Samuel acquired most of his knowledge from reading over 1500 books from a wide variety of layers of the human psyche and spirit – from psychology and spirituality to metaphysics, esoterica, and many other subjects.

After his parents’ house was expropriated, he suggested to his father that they will write a Torah scroll for the synagogue.

During the writing of the Torah, which lasted about 14 months, Samuel began to receive messages and information from the spirit world, which he had never learned before from any source. It was in this period that Yom Tov passed away and Samuel’s hunger and physical and mental crises intensified.

A unique Kabbalistic family heirloom

In 1997, after a year of great suffering, his father gave him an ancient book from 1930 written by Samuel’s great-grandfather, Yaakov Yanai.

Samuel’s father told him that the book went through many journeys with him and all the wars of Israel and now, he passes it on to him as an inheritance.

Even Samuel’s brother doesn’t know about his existence. His father told him that in this book, there is all the knowledge needed to help himself – and others.

His father Benjamin explained to Samuel that in this book he would find energetic and spiritual secrets and codes from the Kabbalah and the Holy Zohar that must not be passed on to anyone else, except for his sons and grandsons, who match him in inner integrity and intellectual intelligence – “See you have been warned,” he told him, “This is our lineage.”

The secret of the ancient book

Samuel’s great-grandfather, Yaakov Yanai, was a mystic and Kabbalist.

Biography Shmuel Zohar Yanai

Thanks to his great knowledge of the verses of the Book of Zohar and other Kabbalah books from the world of Jewish mysticism, he helped many of the Jewish Muslim and Christian communities in Spain and Istanbul and his name as having extraordinary healing powers and knowledge went before him in those days.

During his life, Jacob Yanai wrote a book in which he described his unique healing methods and the healing means and knowledge he used, including the use of medicinal plants for the purpose of solving many and varied health problems.

In addition, the book includes unique energetic methods for removing spells, removing evil eye, black magic, and in addition, a solution closer to today’s world of alternative healing – removing energy blockages.

Yaakov Yanai’s book has been passed down in the Yanai family from generation to generation and now, its current owner (as of today) who bears the heavy responsibility it entails and its powerful contents, is Samuel.

From the moment the book was handed to him, a thought came to Samuel, the decision to try and heal himself with his own powers, based on the use of the vast mystical and practical Kabbalistic knowledge contained in the book of his great-grandfather, Ya’akov Yanai, in the comprehensive knowledge imparted to him by his teacher and spiritual companion – Yom Tov Sharabi and in any source of knowledge that he can help him from the situation he is in.

With determination and vigor, on his own, Samuel spent the following years studying and delving into the books of Rambam’s medicine, medicinal plants, nutritional supplements, medicinal mushrooms, proper nutrition, Kabbalah, the Zohar book, general and Jewish philosophy, psychology books, astro-theology books, religious cosmology, Numerology, quantum theory, metaphysics, astrology, esoterics, magic, Scientology, psychology, NLP, alternative techniques and many other topics.

” A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body, a Good Spirit Resides Within Them “

This multifaceted intellectual and mental journey he embarked on led to tremendous spiritual enlightenment and insights.

Thanks to those developments, Samuel also realized that he has unique energetic and spiritual powers and knowledge at his disposal, which allow him to provide advice and support to others as well and help them reach a positive synergy and reconnection of all the different levels in their lives – just as he was privileged to do for himself.

This is how Samuel formulated and built his unique counseling and support approach – called ” Free spirit “.

Using a variety of unique methods, Samuel has, for many years, been able to advise and help many people in Israel and around the world.

Throughout the entire spell removal process, Samuel places emphasis on high versatility and constant expansion of the variety of consultation and support methods he makes available and continuously deepens his knowledge. This commitment allows Samuel to put together for each person the advice, accompaniment, and solution suitable for the specific case and its unique circumstances.

It should be clarified that the entire process, from the consultation to the completion of the process, is carried out with complete discretion.

Samuel Zohar Yanai’s counseling program for strengthening the body and mind is not a substitute for conventional medicine, and in any case, a doctor should be consulted before taking nutritional supplements, herbs, medicinal mushrooms, dietary changes, etc. It should be noted that such process and/or counseling provided as part of Samuel Zohar Yanai’s services is not a substitute for medical and/or psychological treatment or any other conventional treatment.

The advice provided by Samuel Zohar Yanai is based on his sole personal knowledge.

Samuel Zohar Yanai strongly opposes the casting of spells intended for harm. Samuel specializes in removing and canceling spells and there will be no possibility of using his abilities to harm another.

Now, this is your opportunity to join Shmuel’s process that enables physical and mental health, spiritual liberation and the opening of positive energy channels. On the site you will find extensive knowledge about all the services available to you. For more details, an answer to any question and to schedule a consultation, contact us now on WhatsApp or by phone.

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